Multiply: | By: | To Obtain: |
Acres | 43560 | Square Feet |
Acres | 1.562 x 10-3 | Square Miles |
Acre-Feet | 43560 | Cubic Feet |
Amperes per sq cm | 6.452 | Amperes per sq in. |
Amperes per sq in. | 0.1550 | Amperes per sq cm. |
Ampere-Turns | 1.257 | Gilberts |
Ampere-Turns per cm | 2.540 | Ampere-Turns per in. |
Ampere-Turns per in. | 0.3937 | Ampere-Turns per cm. |
Atmospheres | 76.0 | Cm of mercury |
Atmospheres | 29.92 | Inches of mercury |
Atmospheres | 33.90 | Feet of Water |
Atmospheres | 14.70 | Pounds per sq in. |
British thermal units | 252.0 | Calories |
British thermal units | 778.2 | Foot-Pounds |
British thermal units | 3.960 x 10-4 | Horsepower-Hours |
British thermal units | 0.2520 | Kilogram-calories |
British thermal units | 107.6 | Kilogram-meters |
British thermal units | 2.931 x 10-4 | Kilowatt-hours |
British thermal units | 1055 | Watt-seconds |
Btu per hour | 2.931 x 10-2 | Kilowatts |
Btu per minute | 2.359 x 10-2 | Horsepower |
Btu. per minute | 1.759 x 10-2 | Kilowatts |
Bushels | 1.244 | Cubic Feet |
Centimeters | 0.3937 | Inches |
Circular mils | 5.067 x 10-6 | Square centimeters |
Circular mils | 0.7854 x 10-6 | Square inches |
Circular mils | 0.7854 | Square mils |
Cords | 128 | Cubic Feet |
Cubic Centimeters | 6.102 x 10-6 | Cubic Inches |
Cubic feet | 0.02832 | Cubic meters |
Cubic feet | 7.481 | Gallons |
Cubic feet | 28.32 | Liters |
Cubic Inches | 16.39 | Cubic centimeters |
Cubic meters | 35.31 | Cubic feet |
Cubic meters | 1.308 | Cubic yards |
Cubic yards | 0.7646 | Cubic meters |
Degrees [angle] | 0.01745 | Radians |
Dynes | 2.248 x 10-6 | Pounds |
Ergs | 1 | Dyne-centimeters |
Ergs | 7.37 x 10-6 | Foot-pounds |
Ergs | 10-7 | Joules |
Farads | 106 | Microfarads |
Fathoms | 6 | Feet |
Feet | 30.48 | Centimeters |
Feet of Water | .08826 | Inches of mercury |
Feet of Water | 304.8 | Kg per square meter |
Feet of Water | 62.43 | Pounds per square ft. |
Feet of Water | 0.4335 | Pounds per square in. |
Foot-pounds | 1.285 x 10-2 | British thermal units |
Foot-pounds | 5.050 x 10-7 | Horsepower-hours |
Foot-pounds | 1.356 | Joules |
Foot-pounds | 0.1383 | Kilogram-meters |
Foot-pounds | 3.766 x 10-7 | Kilowatt-hours |
Gallons | 0.1337 | Cubic Feet |
Gallons | 231 | Cubic Inches |
Gallons | 3.785 x 10-3 | Cubic Meters |
Gallons | 3.785 | Liters |
Gallons per minute | 2.228 x 10-3 | Cubic Feet per second |
Gausses | 6.452 | Lines per square in. |
Gilberts | 0.7958 | Ampere-turns |
Henries | 103 | Millihenries |
Horsepower | 42.41 | Btu per min |
Horsepower | 2544 | Btu per hour |
Horsepower | 550 | Foot-pounds per sec |
Horsepower | 33000 | Foot-pounds per min |
Horsepower | 1.014 | Horsepower (metric) |
Horsepower | 10.70 | Kg calories per min |
Horsepower | 0.7457 | Kilowatts |
Horsepower (boiler) | 33520 | Btu per hour |
Horsepower - hours | 2544 | British thermal units |
Horsepower - hours | 1.98 x 106 | Foot-pounds |
Horsepower - hours | 2.737 x 105 | Kilogram-meters |
Horsepower - hours | 0.7457 | Kilowatt-hours |
Inches | 2.540 | Centimeters |
Inches of mercury | 1.133 | Feet of water |
Inches of mercury | 70.73 | Pounds per square ft. |
Inches of mercury | 0.4912 | Pounds per square in. |
Inches of water | 25.40 | Kg per square meter |
Inches of water | 0.5781 | Ounces per square in. |
Inches of water | 5.204 | Pounds per square ft. |
Joules | 9.478 x 10-4 | British thermal units |
Joules | 0.2388 | Calories |
Joules | 107 | Ergs |
Joules | 0.7376 | Foot-Pounds |
Joules | 2.778 x 10-7 | Kilowatt-hours |
Joules | 0.1020 | Kilogram-meters |
Joules | 1 | Watt-seconds |
Kilograms | 2.205 | Pounds |
Kilogram-calories | 3.968 | British thermal units |
Kilogram meters | 7.233 | Foot-pounds |
Kg per square meter | 3.281 x 10-3 | Feet of water |
Kg per square meter | 0.2048 | Pounds per square ft. |
Kg per square meter | 1.422 x 10-3 | Pounds per square in. |
Kilolines | 103 | Maxwells |
Kilometers | 3.281 | Feet |
Kilometers | 0.6214 | Miles |
Kilowatts | 56.87 | Btu per min |
Kilowatts | 737.6 | Foot-pounds per second |
Kilowatts | 1.341 | Horsepower |
Kilowatts-hours | 3.415 | British thermal units |
Kilowatts-hours | 2.655 x 106 | Foot-pounds |
Knots | 1.152 | Miles |
Liters | 0.03531 | Cubic Feet |
Liters | 61.02 | Cubic Inches |
Liters | 0.2642 | Gallons |
Log Ne or in N | 0.4343 | Log10N |
Log N | 2.303 | Loge N or in N |
Lumens per square ft. | 1 | Footcandles |
Maxwells | 10-3 | Kilolines |
Megalines | 106 | Maxwells |
Megaohms | 106 | Ohms |
Meters | 3.281 | Feet |
Meters | 39.37 | Inches |
Meter-kilograms | 7.233 | Pound-feet |
Microfarads | 10-6 | Farads |
Microhms | 10-6 | Ohms |
Microhms per cm cube | 0.3937 | Microhms per in cube |
Microhms per cm cube | 6.015 | Ohms per mil foot |
Miles | 5280 | Feet |
Miles | 1.609 | Kilometers |
Miner's Inches | 1.5 | Cubic feet per min. |
Ohms | 10-6 | Megohms |
Ohms | 106 | Microhms |
Ohms per mil foot | 0.1662 | Microhms per cm cube |
Ohms per mil foot | 0.06524 | Microhms per in. cube |
Poundals | 0.03108 | Pounds |
Pounds | 32.17 | Poundals |
Pound-feet | 0.1383 | Meter-kilograms |
Pounds of water | 0.01602 | Cubic Feet |
Pounds of water | 0.1198 | Gallons |
Pounds per cubic foot | 16.02 | Kg per cubic meter |
Pounds per cubic foot | 5.787 x 10-4 | Pounds per cubic in. |
Pounds per cubic inch | 27.68 | Grams per cubic cm. |
Pounds per cubic inch | 2.768 x 10-4 | Kg per cubic meter |
Pounds per cubic inch | 1.728 | Pounds per cubic ft. |
Pounds per square foot | 0.01602 | Feet of Water |
Pounds per square foot | 4.882 | Kg per square meter |
Pounds per square foot | 6.944 x 10-3 | Pounds per sq. in. |
Pounds per square inch | 2.307 | Feet of Water |
Pounds per square inch | 2.036 | Inches of Mercury |
Pounds per square inch | 703.1 | Kg per square meter |
Radians | 57.30 | Degrees |
Square centimeters | 1.973 x 105 | Circular mils |
Square Feet | 2.296 x 10-5 | Acres |
Square Feet | 0.09290 | Square meters |
Square inches | 1.273 x 106 | Circular mils |
Square inches | 6.452 | Square centimeters |
Square Kilometers | 0.3861 | Square miles |
Square meters | 10.76 | Square feet |
Square miles | 640 | Acres |
Square miles | 2.590 | Square kilometers |
Square Millimeters | 1.973 x 103 | Circular mils |
Square mils | 1.273 | Circular mils |
Tons (long) | 2240 | Pounds |
Tons (metric) | 2205 | Pounds |
Tons (short) | 2000 | Pounds |
Watts | 0.05686 | Btu per minute |
Watts | 107 | Ergs per sec |
Watts | 44.26 | Foot-pounds per in |
Watts | 1.341 x 10-3 | Horsepower |
Watts | 14.34 | Calories per min |
Watts-hours | 3.412 | British thermal units |
Watts-hours | 2655 | Footpounds |
Watts-hours | 1.341 x 10-3 | Horsepower-hours |
Watts-hours | 0.8605 | Kilogram-calories |
Watts-hours | 376.1 | Kilogram-meters |
Webers | 108 | Maxwells |