Ed Green Electric Logo
Toll Free: (877) 385-8624
Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic Response

Common Conversion Factors

Multiply: By: To Obtain:
Acres 43560 Square Feet
Acres 1.562 x 10-3 Square Miles
Acre-Feet 43560 Cubic Feet
Amperes per sq cm 6.452 Amperes per sq in.
Amperes per sq in. 0.1550 Amperes per sq cm.
Ampere-Turns 1.257 Gilberts
Ampere-Turns per cm 2.540 Ampere-Turns per in.
Ampere-Turns per in. 0.3937 Ampere-Turns per cm.
Atmospheres 76.0 Cm of mercury
Atmospheres 29.92 Inches of mercury
Atmospheres 33.90 Feet of Water
Atmospheres 14.70 Pounds per sq in.
British thermal units 252.0 Calories
British thermal units 778.2 Foot-Pounds
British thermal units 3.960 x 10-4 Horsepower-Hours
British thermal units 0.2520 Kilogram-calories
British thermal units 107.6 Kilogram-meters
British thermal units 2.931 x 10-4 Kilowatt-hours
British thermal units 1055 Watt-seconds
Btu per hour 2.931 x 10-2 Kilowatts
Btu per minute 2.359 x 10-2 Horsepower
Btu. per minute 1.759 x 10-2 Kilowatts
Bushels 1.244 Cubic Feet
Centimeters 0.3937 Inches
Circular mils 5.067 x 10-6 Square centimeters
Circular mils 0.7854 x 10-6 Square inches
Circular mils 0.7854 Square mils
Cords 128 Cubic Feet
Cubic Centimeters 6.102 x 10-6 Cubic Inches
Cubic feet 0.02832 Cubic meters
Cubic feet 7.481 Gallons
Cubic feet 28.32 Liters
Cubic Inches 16.39 Cubic centimeters
Cubic meters 35.31 Cubic feet
Cubic meters 1.308 Cubic yards
Cubic yards 0.7646 Cubic meters
Degrees [angle] 0.01745 Radians
Dynes 2.248 x 10-6 Pounds
Ergs 1 Dyne-centimeters
Ergs 7.37 x 10-6 Foot-pounds
Ergs 10-7 Joules
Farads 106 Microfarads
Fathoms 6 Feet
Feet 30.48 Centimeters
Feet of Water .08826 Inches of mercury
Feet of Water 304.8 Kg per square meter
Feet of Water 62.43 Pounds per square ft.
Feet of Water 0.4335 Pounds per square in.
Foot-pounds 1.285 x 10-2 British thermal units
Foot-pounds 5.050 x 10-7 Horsepower-hours
Foot-pounds 1.356 Joules
Foot-pounds 0.1383 Kilogram-meters
Foot-pounds 3.766 x 10-7 Kilowatt-hours
Gallons 0.1337 Cubic Feet
Gallons 231 Cubic Inches
Gallons 3.785 x 10-3 Cubic Meters
Gallons 3.785 Liters
Gallons per minute 2.228 x 10-3 Cubic Feet per second
Gausses 6.452 Lines per square in.
Gilberts 0.7958 Ampere-turns
Henries 103 Millihenries
Horsepower 42.41 Btu per min
Horsepower 2544 Btu per hour
Horsepower 550 Foot-pounds per sec
Horsepower 33000 Foot-pounds per min
Horsepower 1.014 Horsepower (metric)
Horsepower 10.70 Kg calories per min
Horsepower 0.7457 Kilowatts
Horsepower (boiler) 33520 Btu per hour
Horsepower - hours 2544 British thermal units
Horsepower - hours 1.98 x 106 Foot-pounds
Horsepower - hours 2.737 x 105 Kilogram-meters
Horsepower - hours 0.7457 Kilowatt-hours
Inches 2.540 Centimeters
Inches of mercury 1.133 Feet of water
Inches of mercury 70.73 Pounds per square ft.
Inches of mercury 0.4912 Pounds per square in.
Inches of water 25.40 Kg per square meter
Inches of water 0.5781 Ounces per square in.
Inches of water 5.204 Pounds per square ft.
Joules 9.478 x 10-4 British thermal units
Joules 0.2388 Calories
Joules 107 Ergs
Joules 0.7376 Foot-Pounds
Joules 2.778 x 10-7 Kilowatt-hours
Joules 0.1020 Kilogram-meters
Joules 1 Watt-seconds
Kilograms 2.205 Pounds
Kilogram-calories 3.968 British thermal units
Kilogram meters 7.233 Foot-pounds
Kg per square meter 3.281 x 10-3 Feet of water
Kg per square meter 0.2048 Pounds per square ft.
Kg per square meter 1.422 x 10-3 Pounds per square in.
Kilolines 103 Maxwells
Kilometers 3.281 Feet
Kilometers 0.6214 Miles
Kilowatts 56.87 Btu per min
Kilowatts 737.6 Foot-pounds per second
Kilowatts 1.341 Horsepower
Kilowatts-hours 3.415 British thermal units
Kilowatts-hours 2.655 x 106 Foot-pounds
Knots 1.152 Miles
Liters 0.03531 Cubic Feet
Liters 61.02 Cubic Inches
Liters 0.2642 Gallons
Log Ne or in N 0.4343 Log10N
Log N 2.303 Loge N or in N
Lumens per square ft. 1 Footcandles
Maxwells 10-3 Kilolines
Megalines 106 Maxwells
Megaohms 106 Ohms
Meters 3.281 Feet
Meters 39.37 Inches
Meter-kilograms 7.233 Pound-feet
Microfarads 10-6 Farads
Microhms 10-6 Ohms
Microhms per cm cube 0.3937 Microhms per in cube
Microhms per cm cube 6.015 Ohms per mil foot
Miles 5280 Feet
Miles 1.609 Kilometers
Miner's Inches 1.5 Cubic feet per min.
Ohms 10-6 Megohms
Ohms 106 Microhms
Ohms per mil foot 0.1662 Microhms per cm cube
Ohms per mil foot 0.06524 Microhms per in. cube
Poundals 0.03108 Pounds
Pounds 32.17 Poundals
Pound-feet 0.1383 Meter-kilograms
Pounds of water 0.01602 Cubic Feet
Pounds of water 0.1198 Gallons
Pounds per cubic foot 16.02 Kg per cubic meter
Pounds per cubic foot 5.787 x 10-4 Pounds per cubic in.
Pounds per cubic inch 27.68 Grams per cubic cm.
Pounds per cubic inch 2.768 x 10-4 Kg per cubic meter
Pounds per cubic inch 1.728 Pounds per cubic ft.
Pounds per square foot 0.01602 Feet of Water
Pounds per square foot 4.882 Kg per square meter
Pounds per square foot 6.944 x 10-3 Pounds per sq. in.
Pounds per square inch 2.307 Feet of Water
Pounds per square inch 2.036 Inches of Mercury
Pounds per square inch 703.1 Kg per square meter
Radians 57.30 Degrees
Square centimeters 1.973 x 105 Circular mils
Square Feet 2.296 x 10-5 Acres
Square Feet 0.09290 Square meters
Square inches 1.273 x 106 Circular mils
Square inches 6.452 Square centimeters
Square Kilometers 0.3861 Square miles
Square meters 10.76 Square feet
Square miles 640 Acres
Square miles 2.590 Square kilometers
Square Millimeters 1.973 x 103 Circular mils
Square mils 1.273 Circular mils
Tons (long) 2240 Pounds
Tons (metric) 2205 Pounds
Tons (short) 2000 Pounds
Watts 0.05686 Btu per minute
Watts 107 Ergs per sec
Watts 44.26 Foot-pounds per in
Watts 1.341 x 10-3 Horsepower
Watts 14.34 Calories per min
Watts-hours 3.412 British thermal units
Watts-hours 2655 Footpounds
Watts-hours 1.341 x 10-3 Horsepower-hours
Watts-hours 0.8605 Kilogram-calories
Watts-hours 376.1 Kilogram-meters
Webers 108 Maxwells
Toll Free: (877-385-8624, Ph: (740) 385-8624 Fx: (740) 385-0024
Corporate Office:

406 West 2nd Street
Logan, Ohio 43138

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Hours: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM M-F
24/7 Service Calls

Phone: 740-385-8624
Fax: 740-385-0024
Toll Free: 877-385-8624