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Toll Free: (877) 385-8624
Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic Response

Specific Resistance

The Specific Resistance (K) of a material is the resistance offered by a wire of this material which is one foot long with a diameter of one MIL.

The resistance of a wire is directly proportional to the specific resistance of the material.

Brass 43.0 Aluminum 17.0
Constantan 295 Monel 253
Copper 10.8 Nichrome 600
German Silver 18 % 200 Nickel 947
Gold 14.7 Tantalum 93.3
Iron (Pure) 60.0 Tin 69.0
Magnesium 276 Tungsten 34.0
Manganin 265 Silver 9.7
"K" = Specific Resistance
Toll Free: (877-385-8624, Ph: (740) 385-8624 Fx: (740) 385-0024
Corporate Office:

406 West 2nd Street
Logan, Ohio 43138

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Hours: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM M-F
24/7 Service Calls

Phone: 740-385-8624
Fax: 740-385-0024
Toll Free: 877-385-8624