Ed Green Electric Logo
Toll Free: (877) 385-8624
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Ed Green Electric, Inc. was founded in 1975 and incorporated in 1989 by Ed Green to provide quality affordable electrical services to the Hocking Valley. Ed, though retired, is still a major influence in the business today with the High Voltage Maintenance and safety programs within our business.

Matt Green, Ed’s son, assumed the role of President in 2007 and has introduced new areas of work and expertise to the company. Ed Green Electric is well known for its diverse electrical background ranging from residential to heavy industrial, petrochemical, traffic signalization/service, high-voltage work and generator installation and service.

With Matt being a licensed professional engineer and EGEI being a certified engineering firm in Ohio, we offer complete engineering services for your project from Design-Build and Turnkey projects with complete power studies for your commercial and industrial facilities.

Toll Free: (877-385-8624, Ph: (740) 385-8624 Fx: (740) 385-0024
Corporate Office:

406 West 2nd Street
Logan, Ohio 43138

Ed Green Electric Map

Edge Logo
Hours: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM M-F
24/7 Service Calls

Phone: 740-385-8624
Fax: 740-385-0024
Toll Free: 877-385-8624