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Toll Free: (877) 385-8624
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Kohler Genset Generators

Residential Generators

Automatic Backup Power within Seconds!
Kohler Genset Residential GeneratorsKohler automatic residential generator systems provide dependable protection during unexpected power outages. Kohler has produced home standby generators, residential emergency generators, and back power devices since the 1920s. Kohler generators provide clean power for sensitive home electronics; fast power to get you up and running; and reliable backup power to ensure your life goes on even when the utility power doesn’t.

Video of Kohler Standby Generator and why it's needed.

Ohio Power Outage Report - This is an excellent report on recent power outages in Ohio and provides a compelling reason why it's wise to own a generator.



Toll Free: (877-385-8624, Ph: (740) 385-8624 Fx: (740) 385-0024
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406 West 2nd Street
Logan, Ohio 43138

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Toll Free: 877-385-8624