Following are a collection of raw photo galleries of recent projects. None of the pictures have been labelled but it gives you a quick idea of the types of projects Ed Green Electric commonly does. If you have questions about any of the projects or pictures as it relates to a project you need to have done, call us at the number below. Thanks!
Riverside Ballpark, Logan, OH- Installation of ballpark lighting. Ed Green Electric along with Superior Boring and the George J. Igle & Company Inc. donated their time to set up 10 new light poles for the ball field.
See Newspaper Article & More about this project
Ohio Department of Natural Resources— Installation of new lighting for energy reduction projects throughout ODNR parks, high voltage services, and continuing contract emergency and maintenance services for numerous parks.
Southeastern Regional Manager—Mike Powers (740) 767-3570
Parks & WaterCraft—Mark Little (740) 418-3067
Engineering — Dave Kirschner (614) 265-7080
Hocking County, Ohio—Provide services to local government buildings, street and highway lighting, and maintain generators for public safety facilities.
Hocking County Commissioners (740) 385-5195
Project Manager—Mark Stout 740-380-9897
Mennel Milling—Provide High Voltage and maintenance services to this local Flour Miller. Installing conveyor system, improving the lighting systems. Installing new packaging line.
Plant Manager – Josh Gatewood – (740) 385-6824
Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections— Replaced panels and total electric in the school, Including Drawings and Engineering. Repaired and replaced electrical in the mechanical room in Guard Tower.
Maintenance Lead—Jamie Spergin (740) 653-4324
Ohio University—Provide Electrical and Fiber Optic installation for Peden Stadium and The Convocation Center, new Scoreboard, video, audio, and masonry upgrades.
Don Ellis - Project Manager ANC Sports (914) 696-2100
Masonry Lead—Bob Wyeth, Sr. (740) 417-9195
Mears Group TransCanada Pipeline— Cathodic protection, Rectifiers, Associated power and controls in multiple locations throughout the Ohio valley.
Project Coordinator—Neil Freebury (989) 433-5148
Petroleum Service Plus– Enginery, Installation of Fueling systems and Hazardous Chemical systems throughout Southeastern Ohio.
Owner— David Rauber 740-380-6120